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Leadership Testimonials

Colonel Travis Gordon

G’day Wayne,

Please accept my sincere apologies for the time it has taken me to write this message. I have been busy, but that is no excuse really. The reality is that I’m just no good at managing my time.

Up front, our experience with Kokoda Spirit was fantastic from start to finish. The advice provided in the lead up, including the easy-to-follow documentary requirements, made our preparation so simple.

Your reception in Port Moresby and the flexibility you showed to adjust things when some of our team were delayed due to flights was outstanding.

Once on the track, our experience continued to exceed our expectations. The porters were absolutely amazing. They were unobtrusive but always close by to lend a hand when the terrain became difficult to navigate. When we were fatigued and forgot to bring our boots or clothing in, they grabbed it every time and made sure it was as dry as possible the next morning.

The food they prepared was exceptional. Friends of mine have complained about the quality and quantity of food when they have walked the track with other companies. Our experience was the complete opposite, with more than enough food provided at every opportunity. And the way the cooks produced different options every day was unbelievable (the fried bananas were my favorite).

The way you and your team managed the extraction when one of our team injured their knee was excellent. You provided every opportunity for them to continue, but when the decision was made, their withdrawal was handled professionally and with no fuss. When they returned to Port Moresby, your team there provided excellent advice and management, staying with them throughout the medical process and supporting their eventual movement back to Australia.

As a guide, you were simply fantastic. You provided thorough and detailed information and analysis of the history of the Kokoda campaign, but without it feeling like we were in a university lecture. Your knowledge of the local people and the your clear affinity with your porters added to our understanding and enjoyment of the whole trek.

Walking the track is an amazing experience, but it was made that much better because of the Kokoda Spirit team. For others considering trekking Kokoda, I cannot recommend Kokoda Spirit strongly enough.

Kind regards,

Colonel Travis Gordon

Colonel David Ryan

Hi Wayne
What an incredible experience. Wayne and his team were amazing and facilitated my long time ambition to ‘walk in the footsteps of hero’s’. The porters, guides and cooks made the trek comfortable and enjoyable, with amazing meals each night to fuel the body for the next day. Wayne’s historical knowledge was extremely detailed, providing accounts of the battles as we walked. I can not recommend Kokoda spirit enough if you are thinking of completing this life changing trek. Wayne must be your first call!
Colonel David Ryan

Colonel Neil Peake

Hi Wayne

Rarely in my life have I experienced such an exhilarating, exhausting, inspiring and emotional journey. As a current serving member of the Australian Army and a keen student of history, my expectations of the Kokoda Track was extremely high. These expectations were surpassed on every level due in no small part to the outstanding efforts of Wayne and the rest of the Kokoda Spirit Team. From the seamless pre-departure administration, to the incredibly moving visit to Bomana War Cemetery on the final day, this trip was truly phenomenal. The flexibility, patience, professionalism and fantastic humour of the Kokoda Spirit Team amplified what was already a tremendous trip and I could not recommend them any higher. A well-deserved 10/10 in my books. Well done lads, and thank you. I will not forget it.
Thanks again for your efforts mate and congratulations on that 100th walk. Barely a day or two goes past without me looking at the photos and reflecting on the trip. Rest assured I am still telling anyone that will listen to give you guys a call.
Good on you mate and take care.
Colonel Neil Peake

Peter Jones - Rear Admiral

Dear Wayne,

I thoroughly enjoyed the recent trek across Kokoda and thought it was well organised and led. In the RAN a ship’s Captain is the ship and sets the standard for his ship’s performance.

Wayne Wetherall is the ship’s Captain for Kokoda Spirit and has done an outstanding job. His knowledge of the track and in particular the battles along the Kokoda Track were excellent.

His positive and warm relationships with his local staff and landowners and his passion to improve their lives and protect the heritage value of the Kokoda Track is to be commended. His leadership, professionalism and easy mannerism are to be commended.

Peter Jones
Rear Admiral
Royal Australian Navy

Cam McNeill Detective Senior Sergeant

Dear Wayne

On behalf of the Queensland Police Service contingent who recently visited the Northern Beaches of PNG and walked the Kokoda Track with Kokoda Spirit I wish to express our sincere thanks for your professional and comprehensive service. Your passion, knowledge and respect for the track and its local inhabitants are truly inspiring.

As you are aware, we conducted an in-depth evaluation process of numerous Kokoda Track service providers before selecting Kokoda Spirit. Your adherence to risk management protocols, delivery of promised services, professional conduct and historical briefings were of the highest order.

Cam McNeill
Detective Senior Sergeant
State Intelligence Group | State Crime Operations Command, Queensland Police Service

Captain Scott Calvert

Australian Army Kokoda I was inspired by a sketch on the wall at the entrance to 48th Field Battery

Australian Army Experiences Tropical Cyclone Guba
7 December 2007

It was 2 years in the planning, to follow in the footsteps of the diggers that fought so gallantly on the Kokoda Track in the Second World War in defence of the Australian mainland.
I was inspired by a panoramic sketch mounted on the wall at the entrance to 48th Field Battery. The panoramic sketch was drawn by a Forward Observer (spotter) in August 1942, from the 13th Field Regiment (SA) of Port Moresby harbour.

I was able to obtain permission from the Australian Army to lead 14 serving members, predominantly gunners of the 48th Field Battery, to conduct a Battlefield Study Tour of the Kokoda Track.

Crucial to the success of ‘Exercise Bold Angel’ was the choice of trekking company Kokoda Spirit.

The assistance that Wayne Wetherall and Kokoda Spirit provided in terms of advice on equipment, training and practical experience was exactly what I required as the Activity Commander.

I was impressed with Wayne’s and Kokoda Spirit’s ability to make things happen in very trying circumstances.

Wayne provided in depth knowledge of the events on the track and we were thankful that we were trekking with a company that held our safety and best interests as their primary importance.

Wayne impressed the team with his calmness under pressure, decision making and organisational ability, and communication skills. The professionalism, knowledge and experience of Wayne and his team at Kokoda Spirit was outstanding.

I have been in the Army for 10 years, and was privileged to work with Wayne, and I know that years ago Wayne would have jumped at the chance to serve in the Australian Defence Force, and I believe that we were unlucky to miss out on him.

He displayed the skills, knowledge and attitudes of current commanders of Australian troops serving overseas on operations.

I would highly recommend Wayne Wetherall and Kokoda Spirit.

Captain Scott Calvert Activity Commander Exercise Bold Angel 48th Field Battery Keswick SA

Graham Coleman Superintendent

Dear Wayne

If you want to challenge yourself, learn more about yourself and those that you walk with learn about the importance of teamwork or honour those that fought and died for this country, walk the Kokoda Track with Kokoda Spirit, their knowledge of the history and battlefield operations along the Kokoda Track were outstanding.

Wayne Wetherall and his team really know the lay of the battle fields and build such a comprehensive story that you can really feel the spirit of the Diggers and what took place back in 1942.

Graham Coleman Superintendent Queensland Police Service

Peter Keane Lieutenant Colonel

Hi Wayne,

Wayne, I would like to express my personal appreciation and that of my patrol of ex-Army officers for the outstanding organisation and delivery of the trek. As ex-military we had high expectations and it was everything and more than we expected when looking for a trekking package solution.

I know that your personal passion about the track, its history, people and environment rubbed off on us all and we are all the richer for having trekked with Kokoda Spirit.

Thanks for always being available for advice – best wishes to Kokoda Spirit.

Peter Keane
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Australian Regular Army

Gary Stone, Australian Army Infantry Officer

Dear Wayne,

The Kokoda track presents itself as an ultimate physical and emotional challenge. The steepness of the mountains cannot be found in Australia, or anywhere else I have been. It bears no resemblance to any other track I have been on.

I was blessed by being guided on the trek adventure by Wayne Wetherall’s, Kokoda Spirit Company. They provided us with a wealth of information beforehand, provided excellent equipment, met us at the airport, briefed us at our hotel, and then linked us up with our fellow guides, trekkers, and porters.

Wayne himself moved up and down the track providing briefings at key historic sites complementing the daily briefings.

I had to come on this adventure desiring to gain a deeper understanding the Kokoda campaign and I came away very satisfied of the experience I had. I experienced Kokoda at both the physical and emotional levels. Highlights of the experience for me were:

— bonding with a group of like-minded Australian trekkers.
— Meeting and getting to understand the Papuan guides and porters. My personal porter Simon Nasavi was constantly by my side and saved me from falling more times than I can remember.
— the on-site briefings of the key battles such as Brigade Hill, Kokoda Gap, Templeton’s Eora Creek and Isurava.
— Memorial services at Bomana Cemetery, Brigade Hill and Isurava.
— The personal inspiration of the Kokoda Spirit team in offering a personal and comprehensive package
–successfully completing the trek at age 55!!

I can heartily recommend the Kokoda Spirit package.

Gary Stone,
Australian Army Infantry officer 1970 -1996 Lieutenant Colonel, Australian Army chaplain 1996 to present.

Captain Scott Calvert

Dear Wayne
I was able to obtain permission from the Australian Army to lead 14 serving members, predominantly gunners of the 48th Field Battery, to conduct a Battlefield Study Tour of the Kokoda Track, 11 – 21 November.

Crucial to the success of ‘Exercise Bold Angel 2007’ was the choice of civilian trekking company. Kokoda Spirit stepped up to the challenge!

There was an enormous amount of administration to be completed. The assistance that Wayne provided in terms of advice on equipment, training and practical experience, and provided administratively was outstanding. It was timely, accurate and detailed, exactly what I required as the Activity Commander.

Once in country, Wayne personally briefed the group and led us from Port Moresby to the Bomana War Cemetery. It was evident, even at this early stage, that Wayne was destined to become an integral part of the team. After paying our respects, we were off to Owers’ Corner to begin the trek of a lifetime. Well that was the plan anyway.

Consistent rain led to the deterioration of the track leading to Owers’ Corner and the vehicles were only able to make it just past McDonald’s Corner, coincidentally the starting point for the 39th Militia Battalion’s advance to Kokoda in July 1942. After a 6km slog, we made it to Owers’ Corner ready to begin the track. It was here that Wayne was first presented a ’10 O’clock Club Card’, issued to all Artillery Officers at the School of Artillery during their Regimental Officer’s Basic Course (a gift given unknowingly by Captain Pete Wirth). Wayne was then subjected to days of impromptu lessons along the track, having to complete demanding Q & A sessions to improve his military knowledge!

Geoffrey, our experienced Trek Leader, led the group through the arch and down a treacherous path of clay and water towards Goldie’s Creek. The support offered by Wayne’s ‘A Team’ of porters was sensational and of great assistance in traversing the many inclines and declines to be encountered… over Imita Ridge, across Ua – Ule creek (19 times in one day) and up Ioribaiwa Ridge, called to the peak by Abe and his porter mates who had pressed ahead and began to sing their signature tune.

Due to the rain over the past 3 days, Brown River had swollen to double its width and depth. A half hour crossing had turned into a three-hour impromptu rafting exercise, conducted by the porters with the safety of participants paramount. Once across it was ‘The Wall’ to be conquered, and to Menari where we met an original Fuzzy Wuzzy Angel. This was an inspirational experience for the team, to be able to thank him for what he and the other Fuzzy Wuzzy’s did for the diggers in 1942.

After a military history presentation by Sergeant Molyneux and Gunner Hughes the night before (complete with hand painted soldiers and sound effects), the team pressed on to Brigade Hill, the scene of one of the bloodiest battles of the Australian withdrawal. Once again, Wayne and his team of porters provided in depth knowledge of the events that occurred at Brigade Hill, and presented a solemn service in respect of those fallen.

Unfortunately, it was here that we were presented with the news than the rain was not due to the onset of the wet, but due to the effects of Tropical Cyclone Guba. Guba had destroyed the Oro Province, from Kokoda north to the beachhead villages of Buna and Gona. All rotary wing aircraft were redirected to aid in the relief effort, denying us air support in case of a medical emergency. We learnt that the distant rolling of thunder was in fact the noise created by landslides, and Eora Creek had flooded, destroying the bridges and flooding Kokoda.

Wayne and Gideon, his trusted and experienced Trek Master, made the wise decision to move the group to Efogi. Efogi had a grassed airfield, capable of landing fixed wing aircraft.

The professionalism, knowledge and experience of Wayne Wetherall and his team at Kokoda Spirit was now coming to the fore. Their communication systems had alerted us to the impending dangers; Wayne’s initiative had secured the only pilot capable of landing at Efogi and a fixed wing aircraft available to conduct an evacuation when there was a break in the weather. Our families were notified of the situation and that we were all safe by Michelle at Kokoda Spirit HQ in Brisbane.

There was disappointment among the team that we would not complete our trek to Kokoda, however we were thankful that we were trekking with a company that held our safety and best interests as their primary importance. Wayne impressed the team with his calmness under pressure, decision making and organisational ability, and communication skills, consulting and informing me of the situation at hand, and ultimately safely returning us to Port Moresby. We did not so much take off from the grassed airstrip at Efogi, more like the land just dropped away from us. No wonder the entire village had come down to say goodbye!

Wayne continued to assist us in Port Moresby, facilitating the team’s accommodation at the Gateway Hotel, making his staff available to assist changing international flights, all the while planning the evacuation of 4 more of his trekkers stranded at Popondetta. Once again, he was able to hire a charter at short notice and evacuate those trekkers in a safe and timely manner.

I have been in the Army for 10 years, and was privileged to work with Wayne, and was impressed with his ability to make things happen in very trying circumstances. I know that years ago Wayne would have jumped at the chance to serve in the Australian Defence Force, and I believe that we were unlucky to miss out on him. He displayed the skills, knowledge and attitudes of current commanders of Australian troops serving overseas on operations.

The disappointment of the team dissipated quickly, replaced with a determination of each member to return to complete the trek to Kokoda, hopefully with Wayne at our side.

To Wayne Wetherall, the porters that accompanied trek 49, and the staff at Kokoda Spirit, thank you for the experience of a lifetime, no other trek will experience what we did.

Captain Scott Calvert
Activity Commander
Exercise Bold Angel 2007
48th Field Battery
Keswick SA

Northern Navy Trek 2011 HMAS Coonawarra

1 June 2011By SBLT Ryan Zerbe

Mud, steep hills and river crossings were all just part of the experience for the Top End Navy team which recently returned from a seven day trek with trek company Kokoda Spirit along the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea.

The 10-strong joint group from HMAS Coonawarra and Assail 4 returned sore and weary, but proud of their effort to trace the path of Australian veterans of

the battle that “saved Australia”.

Setting out from Kokoda, Top End Navy travelled 96 kilometres to Owers Corner battling heat, heavy rain, exhaustion and the mental challenge of false peaks.

For LSPT Scott Daniel, the experience has been a long-term goal and he spent many spare hours preparing himself for the challenge.

“I was pack marching in the Darwin heat on weekends and making sure I was strong and ready to take it all on”, he said.

“Everyone on the team had to push hard to keep their legs pumping but getting to the end was one of the most satisfying feelings I’ve ever had”.

Despite the hard march they faced each day, the team took time to appreciate the significance of Kokoda and Australia’s wartime history. Weapon pits, trenches and left over ammunition all served to remind them of the battlefields that once covered the region.

“We stopped at Brigade Hill to remember the deeds of the Australians who were there long before us”, LSPT Daniel said. “Beyond beating the personal challenge we had set ourselves, seeing those relics and memorials made the trek all the more worthwhile.”


Team Top End Navy at the start of their trek. Heavy rain made was one of many challenges the team faced.

Congratulations to the crew of HMAS Coonawarra, who have just completed walking the Kokoda Track with Kokoda Spirit owner Wayne Wetherall.

The crew of HMAS Coonawarra comprised members of the shore-based crew and members of our Elite Sea going border security teams out of Darwin.

The team was led by Patrol Boat Captains Kylie Beumer and Zane Geary.
All members of the crew carried their own packs and completed the trek in under 7 days.

The crew was blown away by the intense history of the track presented by Wayne Wetherall and commented how life changing Kokoda is for the participants.

Kylie was very impressed with the whole Kokoda Spirit operation and Wayne Wetherall’s Leadership and commented that it was very slick and professional.

Wayne, commented that is was a great experience and humbling to be part of such a great dynamic group. He also commented that it is very reassuring that Australia’s borders are being protected by such professional and dedicated people.

The team is very keen to bring more members back across Kokoda to walk in the footsteps of heroes.

Northern Navy Trek 2011 HMAS Coonawarra

Chris Dyer

Chris Dyer speaks about his experience during Cams Cause Kokoda Spirit Trek 2018:

Earlier this month (July 2018) a team set off under the Cam’s Cause banner to attempt the infamous Kokoda Track under the guidance of Wayne Wetherall “Bosso” from Kokoda Spirit.
Our aim as a group was to walk in honour of CPL Cameron Baird VC MG, our nations 100th Victoria Cross recipient. Or “Bairdy” as he was known to many.   But further to that we wanted to  pay our respects to the diggers that fought on the track in 1942 and keep their story alive.
What we underestimated as a group was just how amazing this journey would be and the lasting memories that were to come over the next 9 days.

This was also a fundraiser for Cam’s Cause, with all money raised going directly towards soldier welfare camps.  These camps invest in the long term psychological and physical care of our elite special forces soldiers.

Setting off from Owers Corner we met our porters and trekking guides.  It was clear from the start that the relationship Wayne had with the PNG people was amazing.  Due to the care and treatment of his porters and the work Wayne does investing back into PNG tourism, you could see the porters were proud to wear the Kokoda Spirit shirt.

With Kokoda our target, this group of trekkers and porters formed a strong bond right from the start.  To anyone debating whether to get a porter or not, I would highly recommend getting one.  They are amazing people who represent their ancestors, the “fuzzy wuzzy angels” with pride.

Day after day we were blown away by the scenery and the spiritual side to the track. The Kokoda Track is untouched and therefore you get a realistic feel of what it would have been like back in 1942 when the 39th Battalion initially marched across it.

Every day we would walk through villages and camps spots that have to be seen to be believed.  Iorabaiwa, Nauro, Agulogo, Menari, Efogi, Isurava, Eora Creek, Hoi were places that you simply cannot describe.

Every night our porters would sing songs about the track which just took the experience to another level.  A special mention to Ruben the porter for his guitar efforts every night. An awesome guy to say the least!

We were constantly marvelled by Wayne’s knowledge and passion for the track and more importantly the diggers that fought on it. At Brigade Hill and Isurava we held two of the most moving services for the diggers.  Poems were emotionally read out, the last post was played and the sacrifices that were made by our diggers were remembered and honoured.
Isurava in particular deserved an honourable mention. The view of the four stone pillars marking Courage, Endurance, Mateship and Sacrifice was a site that left us all in awe.

It was equally as moving to hold our service at the rock and plaque where Private Bruce Steele Kingsbury earnt his Victoria Cross by pushing a wave of Japanese back with his Bren gun, creating a turning point in the battle.  Kingsbury was then killed instantly by a sniper whilst reloading his Bren gun by that exact rock.  To stand at that rock and read Bairdys Victorian Cross Citation and explain it more in depth, was something I personally will never ever forget.

All of these emotional highs and physical challenges are what make the journey of Kokoda such an accomplishment.

Walking into Kokoda will be undoubtedly remain one of the most moving moments of my life.  One which will be cherished forever. The pride to see what our group had achieved together, the friendships that were made and the bonds that were forged are all feelings that you cannot buy.

This group of Australians banded together and achieved something special. Something they can look back on for years to come and be proud of.  Not only did they conquer the Kokoda Track, they paid respects and honoured all diggers past and present and raised an amount of just over $55000.  An amount that far exceeded any expectations. At this point I would like to point out $24000 of that total was donated solely by Kokoda Spirit.  The efforts Kokoda Spirit put in to donating to charities is remarkable.  On top of that the work Wayne puts in to supporting the country of PNG and its people is inspiring.

This amazing journey would not have been as life changing as it was if it was not for Wayne Wetherall professional and accommodating service.  It was said constantly by everyone along the track how happy they were to be trekking with Kokoda Spirit. Wayne’s amazing office team were a pleasure to deal with and bent over backwards for anything we asked.

The cherry on top was spending a night either side at the amazing Stanley Hotel.  There was no better way to end our adventure than with beers and burgers by the pool 🙂

On behalf of all involved at Cam’s Cause we want to thank Wayne Wetherall for what he has helped us to achieve and commend him on the work he is doing over on the Kokoda Track.  This is a partnership I believe will continue long into the future where we can work together to achieve some great results.

To Rach, Glenn, Robbo, Linda, Cal, Jodie, Raz, Mal, Trav, Brocky, Andrew, Vicki, Ben, Nick, Amy, Sam, Tim, Kelly, Kev, Tania, Mitchy and Laura……. Thank you.

You guys were awesome.  This was a time in our lives where we achieved so much as a team.  The memories we will always share together!!  What you all did as a group was enable Cam’s Cause to honour our mate Bairdy in a way he would have been proud of.
And for that we are forever grateful.

Done….Dusted…..SMASHED IT!!!!!!!!!!

Is it just me or does everyone think we need to go on more adventures?

Caroline Hutchinson Breakfast Announcer 92.7Mix FM

I’m just back from the Kokoda Track. It’s my third time across the mighty Owen Stanley Ranges but it never gets any easier, any less exciting or life affirming. We had wet weather.

It’s always wet around ANZAC Day so we were reasonably prepared, but a wet sleeping bag is not really something you can prepare for, trust me. I’ve climbed The Wall and Brigade Hill before, but it still had me in tears.

I’ve looked out across the Kokoda Gap before, but it still took my breath away. I’ve held babies on the track before they still stole my heart.

People always ask me what the trek is like and why I keep going back?

Papua New Guinea is one of the most beautiful counties I have ever been too. It’s lush and leafy, with ancient pandanus forests and moss in every shade of green. The track winds to the heavens with rushing waterfalls, grassy terraces to rest on and pristine mountain villages.

The people of the track are just as beautiful. During WWII the locals were described as angels by the soldiers they helped. One digger wrote: They carry stretchers over seemingly impassable barriers, keeping the patient comfortable. If night finds the stretcher still on the track, they will find a level spot and build a shelter over the patient. They will make him as comfortable as possible, fetch him water and feed him if food is available, regardless of their own needs.

Porters are no different today. They carry your stuff and gently encourage when the going gets tough, ‘Slowly, slowly, do not be so impatient.’ Porters collect water, sort tents, cook meals and then sleep huddled together around the fire. My porter is the only reason I have ever made it across the track.

And there is the history. When 10 Thousand Japanese landed in PNG, Australia initially sent just one thousand under-trained and poorly equipped men to the fray. Those ‘ragged bloody heroes’ put up a desperate fight, slowing wearing the Japanese down until they turned away, beaten and exhausted. Approximately 625 Australians were killed and more than 1600 wounded. Sickness killed 4000 more.

Wayne Wetherall of Kokoda Spirit is a track expert. He is ‘Bosso’ to villagers along the track, he fights both the Australian and PNG Governments for the rights of PNG land owners and honours our soldiers by knowing their names and telling their stories.

If I can walk the Kokoda Track, then anyone can. A week of camp food, hard slog and war tales around the fire are good for the soul. And I don’t care if you heard me cry on the radio, I promise you’ll love it.

Caroline Hutchinson Breakfast Announcer 92.7Mix FM xxx

Kevin McElduff

Dear Team

As part of a group of 10, working hard to raise much needed funds for the Humpty Dumpty Foundation, I’ve just completed the Kokoda trek with Kokoda Spirit.

I absolutely loved every minute of the experience. Fortunately, I was part of the most selfless, caring, respectful and fun-loving group of people that one could only dream of.

My good fortune however didn’t start there. My brother completed the trek 2 years ago and raved about the knowledge, passion and experience of chief guide, Wayne Wetherall of Kokoda Spirit. I couldn’t believe my luck when I learned that the Humpty Foundation had chosen Kokoda Spirit to host the trek and Wayne to lead our group.

Wayne is a WW2 historian with an amazing knowledge of the Kokoda trail and the entire wartime campaign fought by our brave diggers. He brings battlefields to life with his emotional portrayal of campaign events and short services to remember those who fought under the most horrific circumstances to allow us to enjoy the lives we lead today. Emotions ran high in our group with lots of tears flowing during those wonderful services. Those memories will be with me and I’m sure other group members forever.

On the trail, it was very evident as we moved from village to village that Wayne was highly respected by those village communities.
Our porters and support staff were outstanding. Throughout the trek they were on hand to look after our every need and of paramount importance for the porters was our safety. Their attention to detail on slippery descents was incredible…….at the slightest hint of a slip you would feel a hand on your backpack securing your footing – guardian angels indeed. The food was varied, plentiful and of a high standard – it’s hard to believe one can enjoy pizza, donuts and hot chips on this type of expedition. Max our paramedic looked after any medical requirements with aplomb and shared many of his passionate stories of the campaign.

We had a fairly diverse group of individuals that gave Wayne the opportunity to demonstrate his ability to relate really well to people of all ages, backgrounds etc. and he he certainly did that. He displayed a close interest in every member of the group’s journey, looking to ensure they completed the trek safely and in good spirits.

I agree wholeheartedly with my brother’s assertion that you couldn’t wish for a better guide on the Kokoda Trek than Wayne Wetherall and his outstanding team

Kevin McElduff

Simon Bouda Senior Journalist/Reporter

Hi Wayne,

My feedback will be in the form of a major article I am writing in Reader’s Digest, which will be distributed throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia, more than likely in next March’s issue.

Kokoda Spirit, you, Cam and Craig all get a pat on the back.

Let me just say this. Although I was sceptical it would, my experience on the Kokoda Track did, in fact, change my life … I saw my son mature … I saw myself react in ways I never thought I could.

It’s interesting … when I am having some difficulties I think back to Kokoda and that adventure brings a smile to my face and makes me realise that what I see as an insurmountable problem, may not be so significant.

Thank you again

Simon Bouda
Senior Journalist/Reporter

Adrian Bassett Surf Coast Secondary College

Dear Wayne

Wayne, you have provided Laila with a gift that I have no doubt will play a role in shaping the rest of her life. Again, I can’t express my appreciation highly enough. For you to arrange the reversal of the walk was beyond anything I expected. The arrangements you then put in place for Laila to be collected individually, two days after the rest of the group, and to then escort her personally, whilst catching another group and eventually the Surf Coast School  group, demonstrated a level of flexibility and commitment to the care of your client that is of the highest order. I won’t go into the details, but I think if Laila had missed out on the trek, as looked likely to happen, then I think the short and long term damage to her self-esteem would have been immense. Laila mentioned how comfortable she felt in your company – whether you were both talking or whether you were just slogging it out in silence. She said there was a point when she felt absolutely out of her depth, exhausted, overwhelmed and full of self-doubt. The comfort you gave her, with your kind words, encouragement and compassion, was exactly what she needed at that moment. Thank you.

Adrian Bassett                                                                                                                                        Surf Coast Secondary College

Peter L. O’Brien Managing Director, Asia Pacific

Dear Wayne

THANK YOU for the extraordinary Kokoda trek experience with my boys last month I cannot express enough how grateful I am to Wayne Wetherall, yourself and the Kokoda Spirit Team as the Kokoda Trek was something very special and has had a big impact on each and every one of my 4 sons and me.

The 4 boys and I really came away from Kokoda with such a deep appreciation for the history and the sacrifice, but also a genuine enjoyment of the new friends we all made.

The quite moving stories of the Diggers and to hear and see what they faced, through to the generous and welcoming mindset of every person we interacted with – the Porters, the local villages and of course all who were participating with us. I am delighted to act as referral and have already started to provide friends and colleagues with details.

Thank you once again Lyn as all your guidance and advice leading up to the Trek itself made such a big difference – THANK YOU.

Best regards
Peter L. O’Brien
Managing Director, Asia Pacific